A Beginner’s Guide To The Essential Carpet Installation Tools
The majority of people choose to use carpets as flooring for their apartments and homes. This is generally because carpets keep properties warmer than tiles or laminated flooring.
Unfortunately, the installation of carpeting can be more difficult than originally imagined which is why many people utilize the services of a professional.
However, it is possible to complete a carpet installation independently if you have the correct knowledge.
This article will provide information on the essential carpet installation tools required for an effective and successful installation.
Common Carpet Installation Tools
If you aren’t already the owner of a tape measure then it is highly recommended that you purchase one. The reason for having a tape measure as part of your carpet installation tools is because you will be required to measure out how much carpet to purchase.
Unfortunately, the majority of individuals are unable to determine this length by eye and will often need a form of measuring apparatus with the measuring tape being the easiest item to use.
It is also advised that you purchase an extra amount of carpet to account for any mistakes or irregularities that may be made during the installation. Use quality carpet installation tools.
2. A tackless strip
The tackless strip refers to the thin piece of wood nailed around the edges of a room. The function of this item is to cover the small nails or tacks that hold the carpeting in place.
Of course, purchasing and using this item is optional; however, the tackless strip provides an additional function in that it also keeps the carpet more securely placed along the walls.
This is why it is highly recommended you purchase this item when installing a carpet.
3. The seaming tape
There are two types of carpet installation: the simple installation and the complex carpet installation. The complex installation involves installing a carpet between two or more rooms and to complete this task you will require seaming tape.
The seaming tape must be laid between the two or more pieces of carpet at the point of meeting in order to ‘seal’ the different sections.
To ensure a smooth, secure and aesthetically pleasing appearance you must ensure the carpeting is placed in the same direction before the tape is put in place.
4. The carpet knife
It is imperative that you purchase a carpet knife when completing a carpet installation. The function of this tool is to trim a carpet into the shape required for the room.
It is particularly important if the room is of an irregular shape or a hallway.
5. The power stretcher
As is mentioned above, a carpet is more aesthetically pleasing in appearance if it runs across the area smoothly.
While this may seem a simple task, it can be difficult to achieve without a power stretcher.
This item is important as carpet installation tools as it forces down any wrinkles or bumps leaving the carpet smooth and sleek.
Final words on the matter
Installing a carpet can be an overwhelming task; however, by purchasing the correct carpet installation tools it may not be as daunting as originally anticipated.
Not Inclined to Use Carpet Installation Tools?
Our installers always use professional carpet installation tools. For a new carpet installation quote, call Gwen @ Builders’ Floors and Interiors (901) 382-2155