Discover The Carpet Padding Cost
When people get new carpet installed in their home, they will often start off with the carpet padding.
However, what people do not realize is the carpet padding cost and how this can vary depending on the multiple features they opt to select from.
Here are some of the features that people will be asked to select from, but each one of these will have a different impact on the cost and an example of the price of the padding will be listed as well, which will make it easier for people to make the right choice.
Rebond Carpet Padding
Rebond carpet padding is a type of padding that is going to make people feel good about themselves and the planet because they are using a green item.
Yes, that is right this is a green item because the term rebond means it has come from a variety of sources that have been reused to make the padding.
This padding is generally lower in price, but the durability may be something people will want to consider. The average price is going to vary depending on the thickness of the carpet, but in some locations it can be as low as .54 per square foot.
Foam Carpet Padding
Foam padding is the common padding type that people are used to seeing. This is the padding that is almost always found in the older homes, but also is the padding that people will generally see has the yellow faded look to it.
So people need to realize this is the padding that is commonly used and it can rebound from people walking on it, but over time the padding is going to start to wear out and this is when people tend to get the little ruts and other items in their floor.
The average cost of this type of padding is going to be in the dollar range per square foot.
The last type of carpet padding that has a different cost is going to be the padding that is rubber carpet padding.
This is exactly as it sounds, carpet padding that is made from rubber. This is a newer style of padding, but it is supposed to have a lot longer life than what the other padding types have had.
The best part is after this has been used it can be recycled. The cost of this is going to be on the higher side as it cost 1.12 a square foot in some of the websites that were searched.
While most people never think about getting new carpet padding, they need to realize that when they go to replace the carpet they need to look at the padding as well.
Since this is the case, people need to make sure they look at the carpet padding cost as well as the other cost when they go to replace the carpet.
Without this, people are going to have some problems in getting the right carpet installed in their home or even worse get the new carpet but not enjoy it because the carpet padding is worn out.