Have you questions about floor covering
and your environment? I have spent
the last many years trying to be educated in knowing what to do to make
your interior decisions easier and fun rather than a chore or a scary
intimidating situation. Step one. Get your current textiles together;
chairs and couches covers, bedspreads, drapes, anything that you
love and want to keep. We all have special colors we like or lean to when
choosing these textiles or materials. Is it that blue that you like; that your eye goes
to and has a draw for you? or is it that green, red or yellow that makes
you happy and comfortable. These are emotional and unintentional
inclinations that are innately in us. Why do we like the colors we like?
I went to work for a paint manufacturing company and worked with
the tint professionals who tinted the paint requests of many customers.
They were given a small chip of some color the customer was wanting
to capture; a bit of wallpaper, an old wall color, a piece of material.
These guys came up with the right increments of color to make the
tints the customer wanted; miraculous, or knowledge. All colors
are made of combinations of colors added together to make that
perfect tone or shade or hue. These colors are part of the floor covering
decisions you are faced with as all floor covering has many colors
and textures whether they be hard surfaces or carpet.
I make you a promise that we will make those decisions together and
it will be much easier for you in choosing your floor covering.