How To Remove Dog Urine Smell From Carpets
If you are the type of person that enjoys the company of your favorite canine wandering around in your home, this is something that you may become accustomed to, and never want to do without.
Unfortunately, not all dogs are as cleanly as they should be, and if you have a young puppy, there are always going to be accidents.
Their inability to wait until they get outside will cause you to have urine in many areas of your house, causing that horrible smell.
There are ways to remove dog urine smell from all sorts of surfaces, including carpets, a place where this odor can linger for many weeks or months.
In order to get it clean, here are the strategies you need to implement to get fresh carpet once again.
Dog Urine Smell – Catching It Early
The most common place to end up with the smell of dog urine inside of your home is on your carpet.
If your dog has an accident on your linoleum floor, this is very easy to clean up. On a carpet, the urine can soak into the fibers of the carpet, and also into the base of the carpet, making it very difficult to remove the odor.
The first thing that you will want to do, if you are lucky enough to catch the accident while it is occurring, or just seconds later, is to soak up as much of the year and as possible.
As long as you are able to get to it before it dries, you will have the best opportunity for ensuring that this pungent odor does not remain.
If you have a wet vac, or an extractor, you can actually turn the machine on to quickly remove the year and before it soaks into deeply area the same is true for a carpet shampooer that is able to get deep into the carpet fibers, even to the base of the carpet itself, to remove the urine effectively.
If you are unlucky, and you are simply noticing that the smell is in your carpet, something that may have happened days ago, the following tips will help you remove dog urine very quickly even if it has been in your carpet for several weeks or days.
Remove Dog Urine Smell From Carpet
The choice that most dog owners make when removing dog urine from a carpet is to purchase some type of enzymatic cleaner that can be sprayed onto the area, left for several hours, effectively diminishing the odor.
If you are not able to get to the store, and you would like to approach this problem quickly with what you already have in your home, many people have used a solution made up of orange peels, water and brown sugar, a combination that seems to extract the smell very easily.
Another way that you can do this is using vinegar and baking soda on the spot which will create what will look like a miniature volcano.
It will create a foam that will quickly go after the urine, helping to diminish the smell. The combination of using the enzymes, baking soda, and vinegar are often the top choices for people that have this problem on a consistent basis.
Until you are able to get your puppy potty trained, these are ingredients and products that you need to have around the house in order to not only protect the color of your carpet, but also to eliminate the potential for lingering urine smells.
These are just a few tips on how to remove dog urine smell from your carpet. Whether you choose to use the baking soda and vinegar combination, or if you do have a carpet cleaner in your home that you can use special cleansers and enzyme sprays, you will be able to tackle this problem before it gets out of hand.
Having a dog living with you can be a blessing, but it can also create problems just like this.
One day your favorite canine will be potty trained, but until then, having these cleansers and devices at your home will allow you to save your carpet and eliminate the possibility of having to live with the smell of dog urine in your household.
Dog Urine Smell
For more information on how to remove dog urine smell from your carpet, contact Gwen at Builder’s Floors’ and Interiors, 901-382-2155.